External wash

When it comes to keeping cars clean and well-maintained, car wash services play a crucial role. In order to preserve the original appearance of the car, we must pay special attention to the cleanliness and protection of its exterior. For this, we have made using the washing service offered to you at Clean Car auto-service branches as easy as one touch. The exterior wash service includes foaming the car's surface, pressure washing and drying, and cleaning and tinting the wheels. Regular exterior maintenance can keep your car looking like new for years to come.

Let me tell you a little secret. Many drivers are unaware that a dirty car affects mileage and fuel consumption. Dirt on the car increases friction and also leads to less mileage.When the surface of a vehicle has been thoroughly cleaned, airflow can move more freely over the surface, reducing drag. Regular cleaning of the exterior of the cars also ensures that the functions and mechanisms of the control panels of the cars are stable. When your car is cleaned, the surfaces become easier to breathe, which allows you to move on and significantly improve fuel economy. Other benefits of the external wash service include increased safety, preserving the originality of the paint, its value, etc.

But when should we use external washing service:

  • Immediately after rainy weather. The reason is the presence of paint erosive, bleaching substances and impurities in rainwater.
  • Immediately after driving on muddy roads. Dirt and sand sitting on the paint will cause streaks in the paint.
  • After driving on newly paved asphalt roads. Care should be taken to remove the resin and green stuck on the car paint without damaging it.
  • After driving on salty roads.Salt scattered on the roads, especially in winter, can seriously damage car parts.
  • After night rides in summer time. Insects that stick to car paint contain paint erosive substances.
  • Attention should be paid to the removal of tree sap and bird droppings found on car paint (especially in spring).

Timely and fast car washing services, as well as our unwavering dedication to quality, underline our commitment to customer satisfaction.

Car wash

External wash

Internal wash

Chemical cleaning

A detailing washing